Our Staff

Taylor Richardson

Taylor Richardson

Next Generation Pastor | CrossPointe
Student Pastor | CrossPointe

A native of Franklin County, VA, Taylor previously pastored the students at Halesford Baptist Church for 6 years before coming to Franklin Heights in June 2022. Taylor is an alumnus of Cornerstone Bible College and Seminary where he received his Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees in theological studies and religious education. He married the love of his life Hailey Richardson on September 22, 2018 and she has been faithfully serving by his side ever since. Taylor and Hailey have a beautiful daughter, Charlie. Taylor serves as the Next Generation Pastor at the CrossPointe Campus, overseeing KidzPointe and Students. He has a passion for sharing the gospel and seeing students grow in their faith.

His favorite verse of scripture is John 8:36 “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Taylor loves spending time with students and enjoys reading and coffee.