Truth In A World of Opinion 4-9-17

It seems like everybody has an opinion and a platform to share it. As followers of Christ, we are called to be in the world, but not of the world. In a few minutes Pastor Stan will be sharing about the truth that separates us from the world — the cross of Jesus Christ.

Truth In A World of Opinion 3-26-17

Today we continue our series Truth in a World of Opinion. In our culture everyone seems to have an opinion and the truth only gets in the way. In a few minutes, Pastor Stan will be sharing how Jesus prayed for His followers and reminds us that although we are in the world, we are not of the world.

Truth In A World of Opinion 3-19-17

Today we continue our series, “Truth in a world of Opinion.” It seems like these days everybody has an opinion and a platform to express their opinion. As Christ followers we are called to be different. In a few minutes Pastor Stan will be teaching about an Old Testament preacher who God warned ahead of time that no one would listen to his message of truth.

Truth In A World of Opinion 3-12-17

Today we begin a new series titled, “Truth in a World of Opinion.” In a world filled with “fake news” and “alternative facts” it can be confusing and discouraging. In a few minutes Pastor Stan will be looking at a question asked for thousands of years, “What is truth?”