Event Series Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

CrossPointe Campus 201 Burnt Chimney Rd, Wirtz, VA

Men meet each Wednesday morning from 8:30-9:30 am at the home of Pastor Deke Andrews. Please contact Pastor Deke with any questions at 540.483.9507 or dandrews@franklinheights.org.

Event Series SENTry Luncheon

SENTry Luncheon

CrossPointe Campus 201 Burnt Chimney Rd, Wirtz, VA

Held the first Thursday of each month from 11:30-12:45 (September-May), this luncheon involves food, prayer and fellowship with an opportunity to serve the community. Please RSVP by the Sunday prior to the Luncheon to Boo Andrews at Boojoyful@gmail.com.  

Children's Ministry
Student Ministry