Creating opportunities for people to praise and worship and deeply experience the presence of God.
“When the Church gathers, God is glorified in and through our worship.”
Colossians 3:15 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
God inhabits the praises of His people. That’s why the Praise & Worship Ministry at Franklin Heights Church has a passion for helping people connect with Jesus Christ by creating opportunities to worship and deeply experience the presence of God.
Do you feel called to be part of the Praise & Worship Ministry? Are you gifted in playing an instrument, singing, drama, or technology? Here are some ways you can serve the Lord and His church through the Praise & Worship Ministry:
Rocky Mount Campus
Adult Choir – We rehearse each Wednesday evening from 6:30pm-8pm. No audition is needed. Simply come join us and check it out, and we would be happy to answer your questions!
Frontline Vocalists – Frontline vocalists are expected to faithfully serve in the choir each week. After 6 months of choir membership, choir members may audition to sing on the frontline.
Orchestra – We rehearse each Wednesday evening from 6pm-7:25pm. Contact Pastor Timmy for more information and to set up an audition.
Band – We rehearse each Wednesday evening from 6:30pm-7:25pm. Contact Pastor Timmy for more information and to set up an audition.
Student Choirs – Students rehearse each Wednesday evening during the school year from 5-6pm.
- Hosanna Praise Kids – K-3rd Grade
- Students of Praise – 4th-8th Grade
Student Band – Our student back leads worship for our students each Wednesday night. Under the leadership of Selah Tuck, they generally rehearse on Sunday afternoons after the 11am Rocky Mount Campus service.
Tech Team – The service can’t be heard or seen well without our tech team. If you are tech savvy, have an ear for music, or are willing to learn, please reach out to our Tech Director, Lucas Richards.
CrossPointe Campus
Worship Band and Vocalists – Our worship band and vocalists rehearse on Sunday mornings before the 10am service. For more information and to set up an audition, contact Pastor Michael Balos.
New Way Band – Our eighteen to thirty somethings ministry, New Way, meets each Wednesday evening at 6:15pm. Our gathering includes a powerful time of praise and worship. For more information and to set up an audition, contact Pastor Michael Balos.
Union Hall Campus
Worship Band and Vocalists – Our worship band and vocalists rehearse on Sunday mornings before the 10am service. For more information and to set up an audition, contact Selah Tuck.
Church Espanol
Worship Band and Vocalists – Our worship band and vocalists rehearse on Saturday evenings before the 7pm service. For more information and to set up an audition, contact Pastor Julio.
Recovery Church
Worship Band and Vocalists – Our worship band and vocalists rehearse on Monday evenings in preparation for Tuesday evening services. For more information and to set up an audition, contact Pastor Timmy Williamson.
Center for the Arts
Franklin Heights Center for the Arts affords opportunities for various art forms to be used as worship unto the Lord! Opportunities include workshops, a summer musical theatre camp for completed grades 1-9, and seasonal art galleries. For more information, please contact Pastor Timmy Williamson.
Timmy Williamson, Pastor of Praise and Worship
Michael Balos, Pastor of Worship & Discipleship/CrossPointe Campus
Selah Tuck, Assistant Worship Leader/Union Hall Campus