Union Hall Campus
527 Dillards Hill Road, Union Hall, VA, United States
Women meet each Wednesday morning from 9:30-11:30am in the Student Room to study the book of Judges. Please contact Lynn Woody at 804.543.8182 or joewoody4@gmail.com to register.
Rocky Mount Campus
110 Hilltop Drive, Rocky Mount, VA
Women meet each Thursday morning from 9:00-11:00am in Room 706 to study the Covenant. Please contact Anne Hartman at 540.420.7191 or hartmanjl3@gmail.com to register.
Union Hall Campus
527 Dillards Hill Road, Union Hall, VA, United States
Women meet each Wednesday from 9:30-11:30am in the Fellowship Hall to study from John 1, 2, & 3. Please contact Linda Schneider at 973.474.6483 to register.