Impact Worship
Wednesdays | 6:30pm | the Chapel
Relevant messages with a worship band where friends can hang out.
Impact Connect Groups
Sundays | 9:45am | the Chapel
Students connect with their table groups over a message and breakfast.
Next Steps Study Groups
Sundays | 6:30pm | Student Center
Discipleship study groups meet September - May.
Big Wednesday
Last Wednesday of the Month | 6:40pm | Student Center
Bring your friends who do not attend Church to the monthly fun, themed nights.
Impact Student Center - 540.330.8336
Parent Newsletter
IMPACT STUDENT MINISTRY is passionate about students knowing Christ, and we know parents are the best ministry partners we can have. After all, you are the most influential people in your student's life. We also know the key to a great partnership is communication. Click here to see our new parent newsletter.